Intro Presentation
View more presentations from leewhat.
What I do is I go through this presentation and say where I'm from and what English food is like and that I love curry. I then say about my family, and when they see the picture of Lauren and Ryan they all go 'ooooo pretty!' (I'm guessing they are mostly talking about Lauren, but I did hear some 'handsome' shouts for Ryan from some of the kids wearing glasses (I think their glasses fog up a bit in the cold)). I ask them what pets they have and then show them the great pictures of my snails that my sister took (I think about 60% think they're gross and the rest think they are cool; I'm sitting in both camps). And then I get them to make name-tags, which is when my lesson plan alters slightly.
*Boys - Higher
I get them to play Chinese Whispers in teams using the rows they are put in.
1. I give the first person in the row a card with a sentence on it
2. The kid has to memorise it and whisper it to the person behind him and then that kid whispers it to the kid behind him etc
3. when the last kid thinks he has it right he puts his hand up (the first one of the groups to put their hands up gets to tell me first)
4. if he gets it right then his team scores a point, wrong their team are out of that round.
*Girls - Higher
The game is called 'snowball fight' and I found it at the above link. I tried it with the all boys' class and half the class just pelted each other and started fighting :/ But it works perfectly for girls and they finish it in no time!
*Both boys, girls, and mixed classes - lower
It sounds harsh, but it's tough for these guys and the teacher because they can barely write their names in English characters. So, what I do is extend the presentation by asking a lot of questions (e.g. 'Put your hand up if you have a pet! Oh, what pet do you have? What's the dog's name?' etc) and then I get them to work on the name tag by writing and drawing things they like and don't like and then asking them about it (e.g. 'You like music? Me too! Who's your favourite band?').
So far, I think I've done OK. I mean, I've never taught before and the classes I'm doing at the moment essentially involve me just talking about myself. But, I understand that the less I talk and the more the kids talk the better, hence why I've incorporated the games.
Oh, and my co-teacher took a couple of pictures of me doing my presentation in the 'English Only Zone' to a bunch of 'lower' kids, who actually turned out to have decent English in comparison to some:
soccer! football!
It's a good sign that they are paying attention :) Well done.
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